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Tips for writing good news for the Newsletter

Tips for writing good news for the Newsletter

News are one the most widely asset used by businesses and public relations to reach their target and potential customers. It's a way to give accurate information and highlight what is really innovative and new in your products and services.

Please note that your story will reach a database of professionals that can be your potential customers, the more interesting the news and the more attractive the photos that you post, the more chances you have to help them making a good decision.

Also your story will be published in our publication online EXPOmagazine, with over 90,000 visits per month, this will give you lots visibility and help you improve your SEO rankings on Google.


Here are some tips!

Choose an interesting topic

Try to think as the people who will receive your story. Subjects that are too technical, extremely 'advertising' are not easy to read. Try choose a theme according to your business, you can talk about trends, fashion or fun facts before you start talking about your product, and this will generate a willingness to read your whole story.
About the extension: Neither too short or too long, the text should occupy half body and 1 page in Word format.

The title is the most important

 "Title "
Information overload is something we have to deal with. That is why, while sending a notice, it should have a compelling headline, since the headline is what make us decide if reading the rest of the news or not. You only need a title that has a current topic and its description is short and precise. The subtitle is equally important, even this may not be longer than 1-2 lines.

The text of the notice

 "Reporter "

The opening paragraph is, after the title, the most important news. Here you should make sure to answer all questions of interest to the news, ie: the who, what, when, where and why.

The introductory statement should be followed by the paragraph. This part of the text can be extended to three or five paragraphs, as needed. The most important is presented first, and least important is left for last. Most readers only "scan" the statement, ie seeking the necessary information. The essence of the contents shall be understood at first sight.

Any sentence should be longer than one line and a half, otherwise your understanding will be very complicated.


Put an attractive photo

Note that everything comes through the eyes. Try choose pictures which illustrate your story perfectly. Not necessarily be a product, leave the main space for a photograph that attracts attention, it can be a model or a landscape, people or objects related to the topic.

5. Contact information

Make it easy for your potential customers to find contact your data, so that you can provide more information to whoever may needo it. What should be mentioned is: the contact name, mailing address, email address, your phone and your website.